
Showing posts from 2010

Astral Bodies

Astral bodies collide, destroying every fragment, generating humongous, inconceivable jets, kite-like monstrous novas, oscillating pulsars, quasars; radiant suns tremble under voluminous weights...x-ray bursters, ylem, z-particles.

A Bad Conclusion

A bad conclusion declared emphatically forgoes general hallmarks in judgement.  Killing, lying, manipulation...never (ordinarily) persuade.  Questions remain.  Some theories universally validate, while xantippes yield zero.

Better Cases

As better cases developed, evolution finally gained higher intellectual justification, killing long misunderstood nonsense.  Original papal queries rested solely, totally, under Vatican writ, x erophagy,  Yahweh's zayat.


After baby cried dad erupted ferociously, gesticulating hysterically, insanely.  Jeff knowingly laughed.  Mom now only prayed quietly, reinstating superstitious tenets, unused verses, wild xenagogue, yelling Zoroastrianisms.

Dead Evan

After being crushed, dead Evan found grace, his immortal journey karmic - languid moments never offered previously: restful sleep, total unconsciousness, vague wanderings xenogenous, Yahweh's zenith.

All Behold

"All behold," cried David, ending freethought, giving holy injunctions justifying killing, lying, manipulation, necrotic oppression.  Plus, questioning religion seems to upset very wary xanthocomic young  zombies.


"A boy," crowed dad, everyone fawning, gurgling.  Happy, I just knelt, lowering myself nearby onto papa's quiet, restful sofa.  Talkative Uncle Victor watched Xavier yawn zoicly.


All beaches crave dogs, especially Finley, going haywire, including jumping kinetically, loping maniacally near other pets quite rare, Setter types, unusual varieties with xenodochial  yearning, zippy.


Alex Breedlove couldn't deter excessive farting given his inclination: junk.  Knowing local McDonald's not only precipated quite raucous smelly toots, unusual variations whooshed xeric, yet zesty.


A believing Christian, Dennis eventually found grave hypocrisies in just knowing leader meant nothing.  Orators, proselytizers, Quakers.  Radicals sold tenets unsupportable, vying, while xeroxing young zealots.

Xenon, Year Zero and Xerox Your Zen

A big comet demolished everything.    Fundamentally gutted history, infrastructure, joy.    Killed, leaving me nothing.    Only pertinent question, really: should the union vow war?    Xenon, year zero. All began coming down early fall.    Granting her illusions.    Job.    Kids.    Leaving miniature notes of promises.    Quietly realizing she thought us virtually worthless.    Xerox your Zen. By Silas Dameron

A Belligerent Crow

A belligerent crow dove, eviscerating Frannie's gaudy hat, irritating Jane Kantor like Mike Nelson's obnoxious pleadings - quaint, reluctant salvos, teary unrehearsed vows, wanting Xanadu, yearning zest.


Absolute believer Cruise denied every fanciful, godlike hallucinatory image. Just kidding.  Like most new organized, popular, quirky religions, Scientology taught us vacuousness while Xenu yawned, zzzzzz.

Xenu's Revenge

"As Bad Cobras Dance Enthusiastically For God, His Id Jolts Kids Loose.  Most Notably, Odd Pablo, Quietly Regretting Starting Totally Useless Verbiage Within Xenu's Yellow Zone." By Ken Gayton.


Zombies (yellow, xyloid) wandered voraciously, utilizing total sensory recollection, questing permanently our nearly motionless lands.  Killing judiciously, injured horribly, gangs fought eager dead cousins, brothers...anyone.

By Ken Gayton

Although being curious does eventually form grave habits, it's Jack's kind, loving, moments near ordinary people's quaint, rusty shacks that unifies voluptuous women xeroxing your zodiac.


Agent Banks called Detective Evans, “faggot,” growling hideous, inappropriate japes.    Learning more, new officer Peters questioned recently silent Tanner, unaware, vacant with Xanax, yawning, zoned.


As Benjamin careened dangerously, everyone fought gallantly, harassing individual Japanese Kamikazes, leaving Major Nelson open. Peaceful, quiet retreat seemed totally unbelievable. Veering wildly, Xander yelled, “Zeeeeeros!”


After being coddled, David eventually faded grotesquely.  His inner justifications kindled long meanderings, namely odd poems, quarrelsome, redundant stanzas telling unbelievable, viscous, worrisome, xenophobic yarns zealously.